Dragon’s Blood

Maximize the Potential of Your Business With Dragon’s Blood Resin

Written by: Jacqueline Langen

Are you involved in the medical, cosmetics or textiles industries? If so, make sure you read on. Dragon’s blood resin  is a multifunctional product containing all-natural properties that will improve the quality of your customers’ lives while also helping to maximize your business’ potential.

Benefits & Uses of Dragon’s Blood

Used as a remedy that dates back thousands of years, dragon’s blood is a multipurpose health product that can be utilized to cure everything from ulcers, wounds, bacterial infections, acne, depression and beyond. Whether you are an athlete with an external injury, are suffering from gastrointestinal issues, or someone looking for all-natural cosmetic options, dragon’s blood is the answer.

One of the best aspects about dragon’s blood is that is 100% pure and contains no unnatural by-products. In this sense, any incorporation of synthetic materials or chemicals is completely eliminated.

How is the Product Produced?

Collected from a variety of tree dragon tree species deep in the Amazon Jungle, dragon’s blood is produced from a blood-red resin that is secreted from the trees when cut at their base. But when the natives cut the tree and collect the liquid, there may little pieces of wood or other particles left over in the resin.

Once the product is taken from the tree and placed in containers by the natives, the product is then sent to our plant in Lima. From that point, we begin the filtration process. Since the resin is extracted directly from the tree, it often contains pieces of wood or leaves.

About the Sanitation Process

After the filtering process is complete, the product sanitization process begins. As we avoid using methods such as ultraviolet radiation that kill certain properties in the product that are no longer needed. Today, our method is the most natural in the market.

The method we use is based on ozone, we filter the product three to four times in order to kill all of the bacteria and get rid of any excess particles in the liquid. Other companies use alternative methods, however, these methods tend to reduce the potency and quality of the product.

Connecting With Local Communities

To reach the communities who produce the dragon’s blood resin  we offer, our team travels one to two days by boat deep into the Amazon Basin. However, because we value the environment, we actively participate alongside local communities in order to help regenerate the dragon tree species in Peru.

Agreements with Peruvian communities in the jungle regarding reforestation plans, social events and donations allow us to invest in local communities. We aim to better their personal and economic well-being while also replenishing the dragon tree species in Peru.


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